IT Managed Services

Managed IT services is a solution that is delivered by an IT service provider that combines flat-rate, unlimited IT support for a monthly fixed fee with the proactive monitoring of IT workstations and infrastructure.


Managed services is designed to be an all-you-can-eat model where both organisations are aligned so that they work together, where in the past, an IT provider might bill hourly and fix problems on an issue-by-issue basis. Now with managed services, the IT provider has a vested interest in aligning the organisation outcomes to provide a proactive service that minimizes problems. In simple terms, managed services puts the focus back on the IT firm.
The more problems that your organisation has, the more time and resources the IT firm needs to designate. This results in less profit for the IT firm and causes it to take more proactive measures to reduce the amount of problems the organisation has. This inevitably aligns both organisations’ outcomes.

Why are Managed IT Services important?

It aligns the outcomes of the organisation. An IT company is incentivised to do a very good job; they want to minimize problems for your organisation because they have KPIs directly linked to the efficiency of your IT.
IT experts give you peace of mind. You’re not an IT expert. Managed service providers take care of your IT so you can focus on running your business.
Proactive support. Managed services offer proactive support. So instead of your IT firm constantly fixing problems, they will actually try to identify problems before they happen, keeping your systems up and your problems down.
Strategic IT planning. 

There are a number of decisions that your organisation needs to make when moving to a managed services IT contract. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Complete a total cost of IT to determine the real cost of IT for your organisation.
  • Identify potential providers; request an audit of your current systems.
  • Choose a managed services provider and complete on-boarding process with provider.
  • Complete a total cost of IT to determine the real cost of IT for your organisation.

Are you thinking of moving to a managed services contract?

We have experience helping organisations make the transition, and help them to see the benefits of increased efficiencies, improved productivity and minimized downtime.